
Welcome to Rattle’s Ramblings!

In 2013 I packed up my life and moved across a couple oceans from Adelaide to London. After a stint back home between visas, I moved back to the UK in 2016, moving up to Glasgow in May 2018.

I spend my time between life in Glasgow, working in Manchester, Edinburgh and Surrey and travelling. The travelling involves a lot of eating – I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in 2009 so always on the look out for delicious gluten free foods throughout the world.

The blog started in 2013 to keep the family back home updated on my life and travels and the name comes from my childhood nickname and the fact that my writing may not be that concise.

I travel a bit with friends with disabilities who have contributed a fair bit of info about accessibility on the relevant posts so wanted to introduce them here:


Ben had an accident in 2014 which left him paralysed from the chest down at level T9 and a full time manual wheelchair user. We met on a skiing holiday in 2017 that was through The Back Up Trust, a UK charity supporting individuals with spinal cord injuries.

Since then we’ve been back to Colorado mulitple times and to Greece twice kitesurfing as well as a few in country trips and Ben’s been on a few overseas trips with his missus and solo.


Dan was also on the 2017 Back Up Colorado ski course and since then we’ve been to Warsaw, Budapest and this year heading to Riga.

Dan is also a full time wheel chair user with a spinal cord injury at T9 caused by a bleed in his spinal cord in 2015.

Dan’s a busy bee and in between his travels he plays sports, is a wheelchair skills trainer for Back Up and and is an Ambassador for a Ski Company and the Jubilee Sailing Trust.